October 25, 2008

American Express HURTING AMERICA!

You are a blight on the small business of America! Hello capitalism! Hello democracy!

i paid $9000.00 DOLLARS, I Have Never been LATE! I PAID $9000.00 DOWN because
your Usury Charges are higher than the other Usury companies I deal with.

I had a line of $13,000.00 I used ONE of the offers for a low percentage transfer.

now American express lowered my Credit line too $4000.00

I PAID on time and they did not get the chance to move my rate to 29%!

We are a small catering Company AND USED to Buy from Costco.

Now if we book a large function or event we may not have the capital too buy the
FOOD too cook for the Large Function!

Okay, LOGIC FROM A HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT--ME, I want too say too all

Bankers, Senator's, City Council, Mayor's AND Religious Groups that should stay
out of Politics or LOSE TAX EXEMPT STATUS! Also please explain the Evils of USURY to Others!

Jesus Did not like USURY! He was more upset of the rich taking advantage of the POOR
and charging USURY. Please look it up if you do not understand. Or simply look
at your amortization schedule on your home loan. IT IS ROBBERY!

BECAUSE, THEY ARE PAID OFF. If there is another reason PLEASE Tell ME!

Bible Fanatic's every where, I CHALLENGE you too see how many times Usury is mentioned in The bible.
WE --The Scary GAY PEOPLE that live in the nicely manicured HOME next to yours!
(That is cuter than you Herero's) Remember, while you are hating us WE ARE PAYING taxes

Important Account Status

Notice of Credit Limit Reduction

Dear ME

We are contacting you to let you know that after a thorough review of your credit profile we have lowered the credit limit on the account listed above. We wanted you to be aware of this change immediately.

Your revised credit limit for purchases is now $3,100.00. The new cash advance limit is $200.00. Please ensure that any additional cardmembers on the account are also aware of this change.

We have sent you a letter with a full explanation of how we came to this decision, but wanted to contact you via e-mail to ensure that you were aware of the change as soon as possible.


Vernon Marshall
Senior Vice President
American Express Company

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