October 15, 2013

FM, ME, Chronic Fatigue, Lymes, PAIN

Chronic physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment,
Headaches, digestive disorders, and pain can—— be an indication of depression, 
BUT  may be symptoms of an underlying physical condition 
 That warrants further testing.  

 Before taking antidepressants get a second opinion.   OR 3rd— I have only been harmed by— not helped.
Integrative medical practices,  those that combine alternative and conventional
Medicine  is Un-successful at finding the true source of mysterious ailments. 

In fact, antidepressants are contraindicated for short-term treatment of minor depression —something the drug companies do not want publicized.

So with  doubt about their efficacy, why are so many doctors
handing out prescriptions for an ever-growing list of symptoms —
 such as Pain, Stomach Ailments, Sweating, Headaches, Insomnia, 
PMS, menopausal symptoms — that are not linked with severe depression?

Managed care and antidepressants

To get a clearer picture, it’s important to understand how the healthcare system works. Under managed care, when you feel unwell your first stop is your primary care physician (PCP), not a specialist. To figure out the real issues requires a lot of time. 
One must look at the person’s unique history.  PCP’s have very little time to spend with you and they are usually
Not experts on mental health or natural methods.

      “Whole NO!”

 Antidepressants may be the —ONLY—  option they have for you.  Because NO ONE WANTS TO SPEND TIME FOR $69.00!   Yes!  A “Dr” actually told me this.
Antidepressants will NOT help you feel better —
AND the side effects Are Real  --- And are REALLY DAMAGING!

Chronic pain conditions  such as fibromyalgia, ME, Chronic Fatigue, Lymes,  
Endometriosis and rheumatoid arthritis, will cause mild depression and multiple trips to the doctor’s office. While your primary care doctor may be unable to resolve your chronic pain, They will send you to A specialist to further exploit and not believe you.

With a prescription, they feel they’ve done their job. But if you need PAIN MANAGEMENT—— Good Luck!  They make more from Paxil, Neurontin, Lyrica, 
All of The new Biologic Medicine— Is truly scary and may be The end of your world!

Off-label use of antidepressants is Rampant! 
While doctors are under pressure from the managed care system on the one hand, the influence of Drug companies To get a new product approved by the FDA for a specific diagnosis for a limited period of use based on the results of clinical trials. 

TRIALS THAT YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE! Than wonder if you are getting truth
Before you get to sick  — to take action.

Off-label use,  is an enormous source of sales and profits for Big Pharm., 

Years ago  COMMERCIALS were not allowed to advertise medicine 
THAT SHOULD BE PRESCRIBED by A caring Doctor— Now you mention any of The BIG MONEY MAKERS you see on TV— You will get A script! 
The multimillion-dollar direct-to-consumer advertising campaigns that kill.

A 2003 study found that over 70% of surveyed patients reported exposure
To these persuasive advertising efforts.

Today Big Pharm.’s tactics are HORRIFIC!  They fund research, conferences, speakers 
free samples and sales efforts toward physicians $$$ in support of off-label use of their products,

Widespread promotion of antidepressants as a “safe”substitute
 For synthetic HRT.  When the WHI studies on the dangers of 
HRT were published in 2001, about 13 million women were taking those drugs. Many of these women were put into a panic by the news about the health risks of HRT.

The drug companies  THE REAL DRUG CZAR’S,  seized this opportunity to promote antidepressants for menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. Millions of women were switched directly from Prempro to  Prozac or other SSRI’s.
 They don’t work for very long, If at all
Particularly in their use for hormonal, PAIN, inflammatory issues,  and women aren’t being told enough about their health risks and side effects.

AND how many of us are scared into UN-Needed Hysterectomies that harm us even more!

I AM SAYING— Do not take ANY TREATMENT until you are certain.
I wish ONE PERSON had counseled me,  We tend to react to fear— The fear that makes big Pharm.—  Rich and protected by 
Stock holders— Maybe your  politicians? — Your SUPREME COURT JUDGES????




Anonymous said...

you truly are my hero, keep educating the masses, and I'll keep making sweet passes...;) xo

Unknown said...

I have always tried to be kind. if anyone has received any messages from me--my account has been hacked. I am an open book for anyone that tells the trueth.

Unknown said...

i ave been hacked by a cruel person. i will be closing all accounts soon.. thank you